
Moscow is not called "City Taiga" for no reason! Over 4 square kilometers of the city is covered in the Oryol forest. In this area lush with evergreens and beautiful permafrost, many tourists come for the amazing tours that can be taken. Because of this very natural setting, we plan to open up a nature resort which will offer the following amenities: 


During the long winter months in Russia, the nature park can offer tourists the opportunity to ski along the slopes of the area. The thick permafrost helps to host a large amount of snow which builds up and makes it an idea place for a skiing trip. During the skiing trip, tourists will be able to spot many winter animals which are not hibernating such as the snow rabbit and the white fox. These along with the contrasting green evergreens will definitely make the trip a very memorable activity.  

Husky Tours and Snowshoeing

When during late fall and early spring, tourists will be able to enjoy the light amounts of snow and permafrost to take sleddogs out on tours along the taiga landscape. The wonderful views offering through the husky tours and by more brave snowshoers will definately enlighten those who do not understand the beauty of the area. During this time, tourists will be able to see all of the animals in the area because the large mammals have not hibernated or hidden deep in the woods for protection from the harsh winter months.

Brown Bear Watching

Once you work your way up into the deep woods of the northern taiga biome, tourists will be able to view the rare brown bear population in Russia. Northern Moscow is home to approximately 1000 brown bears, however the long hours of daylight increases the chances of viewing these animals. There are many isolated hides that will maximize the changes of spotting the bears along with elk, foxes, and wolverines. Watching the rare brown bears will not only be exciting but relaxing as the surrounding environment is peaceful and beautiful. The best time to watch the brown bears is during the summer months when they are not hibernating. 

Setting up a nature resort will not only be a great way to preserve the local fauna and foliage, but will also allow tourists to see the wonderful sights of the taiga. Despite the harsh weathers and the tough living conditions, the plants and animals that survive are some of the most miraculous in the world and must be seen. Whether the tourists want to come during the summer months to scout down some brown bears or come during the depth of winter to enjoy some skiing, all tourists who come to the nature resort will be thoroughly satisfied.